If you are successful in proceeding to the shortlist stage of our recruitment process (firstly, congratulations!) one of our recruitment team members will be in touch to discuss next steps and organise an interview.
Due to the high volume of applications we receive, there may be a delay before we can contact you. We know you’re keen to find out how your application went, and we’ll do our best to get in contact with you as quickly as possible.
All unsuccessful candidates will also receive an email updating them on their application in due course.
If you need to get in touch for any recruitment enquiries or technical issues, you can reach us at factorievibe@factorie.com.au
Important! The Customer Service team can't accept applications or CVs, so please apply through the Careers website and if you have any recruitment questions or need assistance contact factorievibe@factorie.com.au , as the Customer Service team is not part of the recruitment department.
Not what you needed? Check out our other recruitment FAQS:
How can I apply for a job with factorie?
Can I register my interest for future opportunities?
What is the minimum age for working at factorie?
How can I contact the recruitment team?
Who can help me with technical issues on the recruitment website?